Sunday, June 08, 2008

More Jar Gifties and a Dirty Little Secret

I had some of the MOPS over and we finished up the Jars I had and each person took home three more jars to give away. One is an M&M bar mix and the other is a Dreamsicle Mix.
After staring at these for weeks now. I broke down and made the M&M jar bar mix. It was pretty good, although the reason this is a little secret is because technically they were suppose to be given away. Well I DID give some of the bars away on Saturday at our Lemonade Stand that DD and I did, well they were 25 cents each, so we had help with them. I thought they were good but a bit crumbly, the mix was that way too. Still haven't tried the Dreamsicle one, the jar is just too pretty and MAYBE I can think of someone to give it to as a Thank You gift, just maybe...

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