Sunday, February 15, 2009

One World One Heart ....

And the winner is..... before I announce who it is, let me just say thank you for all of the nice comments, everyone made about my work. I read all of the 200 plus comments as they all came into my email inbox. It was a bit overwhelming infact. I didn't have a chance to enter as many giveaways as I would of liked. I wish I had tons more to giveaway. I used the Random Number Generator via google and it came up with number 139 She doesn't know it yet but she won my earrings! I loved it when I clicked on her profile she has a funny thing on there! I'll make you go look, very funny though!!! I had to count 139 people down in my comments list because I didn't realize that my comments are not numbered. Melinda was the closest -so she wins! However if I did get it wrong and someone wants to count it again I'd be happy to give that person something as well. I just didn't feel like counting to 139 again.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


I've decided to sell some of my excess scrapbook supplies on Craigslist in an effort to pare down my collection of crafty goodness in my craft room, thereby hopefully making a more organized chaos in that craft room :-) For my local friends, everything is marked about 50 percent off and I already have one interested person....

Those are a few of my listings for now. I hope to add more. One of the things I am looking to sell but haven't listed yet is a die cutting machine. It is the Wizard die cutting machine.


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